
May 1, 2018

Jottings – May 2018

The Cherokee Nation paid a visit to the DAAL last month. On April 28, a delegation of alumni and family members from the Oaks Indian Mission, located in Oaks, Oklahoma, visited Blair, Nebraska.
January 2, 2018

Jottings – January 2018

A new archival collection, quite unlike anything that the DAAL has seen before, now graces its shelves. It consists of thirty-eight large three-ring binders covering five shelves. These volumes are a genealogist’s dream, tracing the identities, the histories, and the relationships of the Bondo family in Denmark and the USA from the 14 th century right up to the present.
May 2, 2017

Jottings – May 2017

Volunteers Make The Difference For The DAAL. Question: What do a 9-year-old elementary school girl from Georgia and a 92-year-old retired pastor and college professor from Nebraska have in common? Answer: Both have volunteered at the Danish American Archive and Library in 2017.
January 3, 2017

Jottings – January 2017

A compelling story of courage, industry, a little WWII intrigue, and finally, love came to the Danish American Archive and Library recently. It is just one of hundreds contained in our collections, but the story of Jens and Martha Jensen is told in such wonderful detail that it stands out from others by bringing history into reality.
September 1, 2016

Jottings – September 2016

Who among us wouldn’t jump at the chance to enter a time machine and travel back through history to witness first hand some of the events we have always learned about in books or from family stories?
May 2, 2016

Jottings – May 2016

Midland Backs Out—“The wait is over,” the Washington County Pilot-Tribune announced this past March 22. “Nearly three years after Midland University signed a lease agreement with Krejci Development to acquire control of the former Dana College campus, the Fremont institution has announced it will not purchase the campus and plans to end its lease.”
January 4, 2016

Jottings – January 2016

After more than five years of navigating through the stormy seas of the closing of Dana College and searching for a permanent home, the DAAL has finally sailed into safe harbor where we can stay for the next several years. And now we have the time to focus completely on our mission.
September 1, 2015

Jottings – September 2015

Teacher, college professor, pastor, editor and scholar Dr. John W. Nielsen established the DAAL in its current form in 1990 and infused it with his energy and a passion for Danish American history that carries through to today. Because of his foresight and leadership, the DAAL has survived almost insurmountable challenges and come through stronger than ever.
May 1, 2015

Jottings – May 2015

Once in a while in the life of an organization, an offer comes along that’s just too good to pass up, and this is one of those times for the Danish American Archive and Library. John Eriksen, owner of the building the DAAL currently occupies (and a Dane) has agreed to sell the building to us at a price that will allow us to thrive in it for years to come.